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Support your favorite creators with Content Nation

Why is Content Nation the better crowdfunding provider

It's straightforward

At Content Nation, you fund your account once, via bank transfer or credit card.
Afterwards you can distribute the credit as you wish.
No matter everything at once, in bites, to a Creator or to several.
When your credit is used up, just recharge it, just like a prepaid cell phone.

The currency is Euro

. Unlike non-EU providers, the currency at Content Nation is the Euro.
This eliminates expensive currency exchange or extra fees for credit card payments.
Also, a bank transfer costs only the normal bank fees, so with the right account nothing.

93% payout

Unlike other providers, at Content Nation creators get 93% of your financial support.
No 5% fee plus another 5% for that and another 5% for someone else and yes, another 5% fee because it's Monday.

Benefit for Creators

Invoice with German VAT

At Content Nation you get an invoice when you pay out your collected support
(for the 7% commission incl. fees, taxes and whatnot).
The invoice corresponds to the German or European rules, not those from the EU foreign countries.
So there are no problems with the tax office and the tax.

Many other advantages

You can get a list of all the features at. All the features of Content Nation.