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"If you believe in an idea, you have to fight!" with Expert Gregory Thain

Author: SalesPro4U

Hello everyone! Today we are excited to share an enlightening conversation with Gregory Thain. Gregory has 45+ years of diverse experience across energy, finance, real estate, and tech. As mentor to numerous enterprises, he excels in mergers, acquisitions, and fundraising. With ventures spanning UK, Russia, Asia, Australia, and the US, his influence reaches even European politics. From music magazines to the London Stock Exchange, Greg's journey is a testament to his versatile entrepreneurship. Now, let's dive into the key findings from our discussion:

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1. Early Ventures in Publishing and Politics

  • Gregory started his entrepreneurial journey at a young age, organizing concerts and dances as a social secretary.
  • He ventured into the publishing industry, starting with magazines focused on video and music, and later diversifying into financial magazines.
  • Gregory also got involved in politics, working with the Conservative Party and consulting for them.

2. The Russian Adventure

  • Gregory decided to explore business opportunities in Russia, despite not knowing much about the language or culture.
  • He started multiple businesses in marketing research and advertising, as well as a printing press venture.
  • Gregory describes the excitement and challenges of being in Russia during its early years of opening up to Western businesses.

3. Strange Ventures and Tough Decisions

  • Gregory shares the experiences of two unusual businesses he ventured into in Russia: a print shop and a medical insurance company for foreigners.
  • His market research and advertising businesses thrived but were impacted by the 2008 crisis, leading to the decision to sell everything.

4. Transition to Renewable Energy

  • Gregory shifted his focus to renewable energy, specifically geothermal wells in Holland, providing hot water for various purposes.
  • He predicts his business to become a billion Euro enterprise within a few years, highlighting the potential of renewable energy.

5. Changing Landscape of Communication

  • Gregory discusses the evolving landscape of advertising and marketing, emphasizing the shift towards personalized communication and targeting individuals through smartphones.
  • Clear communication and effective presentations are essential for fundraising and attracting investors.

6. Importance of Rehearsing Presentations

  • Gregory stresses the importance of rehearsing and preparing for presentations, especially in front of large audiences or across language barriers.
  • Eye contact, engaging with the audience, and leaving time for translation are crucial aspects of effective presentations.

In this insightful interview, Gregory Thain provides a glimpse into his diverse range of experiences across various industries and countries. From publishing to politics and venturing into the Russian market, Gregory shares the challenges, successes, and valuable lessons he has learned along the way. His transition into renewable energy and his emphasis on effective communication and presentation skills offer valuable insights for entrepreneurs and professionals alike.

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Stay tuned for more enlightening episodes of "The Expert Talk".

Until then, take care!

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