Do you regret dropping out of high school?
Since dropping out, I’ve:
- Lost 20 pounds.
- Become responsible about my time and actions.
- Learned how to be socially confident (I hosted an event with 25 people).
- Moved into my own apartment and became self-sufficient by working my first job.
- Overcame my Gaming and Porn addiction.
- Meditate everyday.
- Became vegan.
- Got into my first relationship
- Never felt fitter and happier in my life
- My mom and my sister are proud of my personal development.
- I found my passion for Writing and Learning.
- Started my 365-day Quora Challenge (This is day 115).
- Made awesome friends through local events.
- Learned how to handle money and pay my bills.
- Bought my own 4K TV (Had to mention this! :D)
- Joined Twitter and networked with amazing people (Everyone on my follow list is amazing)
- Worked on my first Online Tool (Easily find the best Twitter Threads)
- I actively follow and pursue goals that make ME happy
Will I ever go back?
No. I don’t have a degree but I don’t need one to be happy. There many other ways to find a job you love.
But I want to point out that life is harder than school.
Dropping out means a huge amount of responsibility coming towards you.
I was a gamer all my life and this is definitely the hardest game I ever played.
But it’s also —by far— the most rewarding one.
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