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Reading time: about 1 min Print version

New Feature: Reader view

We added an additional view for our article and profile pages to disable most of the items on the side and to have the content over the full screen width.
This works on all devices and is similar to the integrated  reader view in Firefox.
It can be toggled in the gray menu bar, next to the day/night mode or in the article area on the top right.
To disable, just click the other icon in the same place.

So you, the reader can switch between many modes, bright or dark, narrow or wider or a print view including some extra info like a QR-Code for the URL, optimized, you guessed it, prints ;)

Additionally there were a few bug fixes and we show arrows in areas where you can scroll left and right. Switching to reader mode might show the full content, but in all modes you can always scroll, now with indicators.

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