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Content from "Grumpy Developer"

Can you power a camera flash with an external Li-Ion battery?

Grumpy Developer Reading time: about 5 min Date: Language:english
Discover how I tried to power my external camera flash with an Li-Ion battery instead of conventional AA batteries.

Payment Providers and Micro-Payments

Grumpy Developer Reading time: about 6 min Date: Language:english
Discover how payment transactions for micro and macro payments work, including one-time transaction fees and percentage-based charges. Find out why Content Nation's minimum pay-in of 10€ might seem steep, and explore the costs involved in processing cash payments and bank transfers. Get a deeper understanding of the complexities behind online payment systems and their impact on creators like you.

Running a Bambu Labs P1S or P1P 100% offline

Grumpy Developer Reading time: about 3 min Date: Language:english
I bought  a Bambu Labs P1S, these are the instruction to use it 100% offline with most of the features.

UPS or oops - we messed up

Grumpy Developer Reading time: about 9 min Date: Language:english
A rant on UPS on an (not-)delivery. Or why you should avoid it at all costs!

What would you take? 2 Million in one payout or 4000 per week for the rest of your live

Grumpy Developer Reading time: about 3 min Date: Language:english
I recently saw a social media post asking the question: Would you rather get 2 million at once or 4000 every week for the rest of your life. Lots of people choose the 4000 per week, I will calculate if that is a good idea.

presentationmaker.js - a tool to make browser based presentations

Grumpy Developer Reading time: about 6 min Date: Language:english
I had to give a few presentations and spent more time fighting the presentation software than creating the content.
So I created my own presentation tool.

Creating an algorithm for string art

Grumpy Developer Reading time: about 6 min Date: Language:english
An article about string art. What it is, why it's cool and how one algorithm works. Including source code.

Play "Music" with stepper motors Part 1

Grumpy Developer Reading time: about 2 min Date: Language:english
Have you ever dreamed of creating an instrument that combines art and technology? I recently set out to build a motion control project that plays music using stepper motors, and what started as a crazy idea turned into a fascinating journey. In a world where others had already explored this concept, I found myself without any guides or tutorials. But I'm a DIY enthusiast who loves challenges, so I decided to create my own version from scratch. The result is a system that can play music using midi commands sent through a USB serial interface, and it's all powered by an Arduino microcontroller. In this project, you'll learn how to bring your creative ideas to life with motion control, and how to create a fully functional music player using stepper motors. From the hardware plans to the software instructions, I'm sharing my entire process so you can replicate it and start creating your own unique soundscapes.

Creating a custom (car) Radio Part 2

Grumpy Developer Reading time: about 9 min Date: Language:english

Electronics to trigger Cameras, Flash and other things

Grumpy Developer Reading time: about 5 min Date: Language:english
Are you ready to create breathtaking water drop videos like a pro? I've developed a DIY system that uses an ESP8266 module, WiFi connectivity, and opto couplers to control the precise timing of water drops. With this project, you can create stunning visuals by synchronizing the release of water droplets with camera flashes and triggering high-speed cameras. The system is incredibly versatile, allowing you to experiment with different LED lights, valve configurations, and even colored waters. You can use it to create mesmerizing effects like "drop-on-drop" or add an extra layer of complexity with multiple valves and electronics. To get started, I've made the source code and electronics plans available for free on The Camera Trigger repository. If you're ready to unleash your creativity and push the boundaries of water drop videography, check it out!

Using the Path Animator tool in Blender

Grumpy Developer Reading time: about 6 min Date: Language:english
If you're fascinated by the magic of Blender's advanced features and want to unlock its full potential for creating stunning animations like this one, then keep reading! In this tutorial, we'll dive into the world of texture mapping, displacement, and shader effects to bring your circuit board design to life. From setting up the initial model to animating the "laser effect", we'll cover everything you need to know to achieve a professional-looking result. Whether you're a Blender newbie or an experienced user looking for tips and tricks, this tutorial is designed to be easy to follow and packed with valuable insights. So, if you're ready to take your Blender skills to the next level, let's get started!

Why I dislike Containers and per program packages

Grumpy Developer Reading time: about 3 min Date: Language:english
The rise of containerization has brought about a double-edged sword in terms of security and administration. On one hand, containers offer the convenience of isolating applications from system libraries and dependencies, making it easier to update and patch them without affecting the underlying system. However, this convenience comes with a significant cost - increased complexity, slower update cycles, and potential security risks. As someone who's seen firsthand the issues caused by containerization, I've come to dread the thought of having to keep multiple versions of shared libraries active in my systems. The proliferation of shadow package managers like npm and pip has only made things worse, with their complex dependency trees and rarely updated versions leading to a treasure trove of security vulnerabilities. In this article, I'll explore the dark side of containerization and why, as a seasoned administrator, I've chosen to avoid these containers at all costs. Join me as we delve into the world of Docker, Snap, Flatpack, and other package managers, and discover why they're not the silver bullet to security and administration that they claim to be.