What is the best mentality/approach to life which will benefit me for the rest of my life?
I thought today would turn out like usual. I had nothing planned and just wanted to write, read, journal and watch a Marvel movie.
I checked Twitter and saw my friend Yash texted me.

At this point I’d like to mention he’s 17.
He codes, writes, reads and learns in his free time. I was impressed the first time I discovered him 4 months ago. I could see his passion for the detail and he seemed like an all-rounder. He could write well, code well, and had a great online appearance.
We found we had the same passions and he’s going through a time I went through 2 years ago. He lives about 6,700km (4.100 miles) away so we Zoom-call regularly. We became great friends and we’re on a “brother” basis now :D
Recently he told me about this online “tool.” He convinced me. Today, a week later he sent me that message. We hopped on a call and he presented me the beta-version of his app.
I was impressed— again.
He had the dedication to create a databank with over 400 handpicked articles to comply with his online app.
I’m a writer, understandably I’m really into this idea. He displays 4 random handpicked Twitter Threads (short-form, punchy, timeless articles) to discover & explore valuable knowledge without mindless scrolling.
I already wanted to help him before we hopped on the call. Now I wanted to help him 5x more. He asked me for text improvements and mentioned he still needed an introduction text for his online app.
He was hinting at me.
I’ve been writing everyday for 100 days (It’s a habit I’m building) and I’m confident about dishing out something extraordinary. (Even for me)
“I’ll do it. Give me some time.”
He grinned ear-to-ear. I instantly felt a rush of joy. It warmed my heart to see how wrapped in bliss he was.
“Wow.” I thought.
He thinks that he’s the lucky one in this situation… but it’s actually me.
He gave me an opportunity to be useful and to play with my experience.
He gave me an opportunity to feel cherished and valued.
And he gave us both a moment of true friendship.
What approach will benefit you for the rest of your life?
Try to be of service. Be helpful. Have a positive impact.
Helping others is a freeing experience. It’s a grateful act from both sides. These are the cherished moments of life. And who knows, maybe life will give back to you?
For me, seems like I’m co-creator now :D