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What is some dating advice for men?

This is the single-best Dating Advice I picked up after years of searching.

I wish I learned this sooner.

I really want my fellow men to know this so I’m going to keep this short and simple.

This advice would have saved me years of:

  • Desperation
  • Hopelessness
  • Pain
  • Missing something I never had

… while attracting the life I want.

And the last sentence actually captures it perfectly.

You need to attract the life you want.

I know, it’s easy to say… so let me elaborate.

Attracting the life you want means nothing more than pursuing your goals in life.

If you are a man whose only goal is to date women… you will likely fail.

When she is the only priority in your mind, you are coming from a place of lack, loneliness, and desperation.

She will notice this, and trust me, it’s one of the biggest turn-offs for a woman. She realizes that this man is emotionally dependent on her and couldn’t live his best life on his own.

“Why should I join his life then? How could he take care of me, if he can’t even take care of himself?”

It’s similar to putting all of your eggs in one basket.

If this one investment fails, if this one potential relationship fails…

It will hit you hard.

But what if you prioritize your own life above a relationship? What if you focus on…

  • Your friendships
  • Living an adventurous life
  • Your Fitness
  • Developing your intellect
  • Improving your Spirit every day
  • Building your own, happiest life

If you live your own happiest life… you don’t actually care whether she joins your life or not.

Because your life is splendid already.

   “You want her… But you don’t need her.”
    - Andrew Ferebee

This is the magic.

If you live a happy life on your own, and work towards the goals you want…

You are less likely to be desperate, you will shine confidence and it will ultimately turn her on.

You are a man whose purpose is bigger than his dating life, therefore you aren’t bothered if the relationship doesn’t work out.

Women love men who are in control of their lives. A man who lives his own purpose is more attractive than a bad-boy with a six-pack and mouth-numbing wealth.

And the best thing about this advice is…

You don’t need to own a luxury car, a superman-body, or mouth-numbing wealth.

Even if you walk your own path step-by-step… if she sees you’re actively trying and putting in efforts daily… she can still see who you are and fall in love with your personality.

You may also have heard that women care more about personality than looks, which men often underestimate.

You are great already just by embarking on your personal journey…

You don’t have to have everything you want yet.

Intimate relationships are a byproduct of living your best life.

Work towards the life you want. Improve yourself every day… Be happy on your own.

Have your life in control, before inviting her to be part of it.

The quality of your relationships depend on the quality of your life.

Have you noticed that this dating advice is actually life advice?

When you are own your personal journey, your best relationships will happen.

My Dating Life was never better, and more importantly…

I’m happy with myself.

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